Scoop November 2008

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<big><strong style="color: red;">Draft only, page under construction</strong></big>
<big><strong style="color: red;">Draft only, page under construction</strong></big>
==Transition Norwich Theme Groups - first meetings - all through October to December, The Playhous==
==Transition Norwich Theme Groups - first meetings - all through October to December 2008, The Playhous==
Organised by Norwich Peace Council
Organised by Norwich Peace Council
==Rising Tide planning meeting, November 13th 2008,  Rumsey Wells pub (formerly
St. Andrew's Tavern, 7.30 pm==
A planning meeting for two events:
29 November. The Second Annual Norwich Rat Race as part of the global Buy
Nothing Day.
28 - 29 November 2008. 48 HOURS OF ACTION AGAINST E.ON AND NEW COAL**
The UK Government is calling for an 80% reduction in carbon emissions by
2050, we are calling for 48 hours of action against E.ON and new coal NOW.
will be held on 13th November, 7.30 PM at the Rumsey Wells pub (formerly St.
Andrew's Tavern) 4
St. Andrew's Street, NR2 4AF
More details available for both of the above events at
For more information about these events go to or to Book a Free space on this event please contact or
For more information about these events go to or to Book a Free space on this event please contact or
==Vigil for Afghanistan, 7th Anniversary of the 'Liberation', Thursday, November 20th 2008, 7:00 pm==
This is the 7th anniversary of the so called liberation of Afghanistan.
We shall have a vigil opposite the Forum at 7pm in remembrance of ALL
people killed in Afghanistan in the last 7 years.
The people in Afghanistan are near to starvation, lacking water
and shelter. This humanitarian crisis can't be addressed due to the
ongoing war. We will remember all people killed and express our wish
for an end to that war.
More information from :  or email:
Organised by Norwich Stop the War Coalition.
==UNA LunchBox Meeting: Chris Hull and Tully Wakeman - 'Transition Norwich, Friday, Nov. 21st 2008, 12:15 for 1 pm, Friends Meeting House==
==UNA LunchBox Meeting: Chris Hull and Tully Wakeman - 'Transition Norwich, Friday, Nov. 21st 2008, 12:15 for 1 pm, Friends Meeting House==

Revision as of 22:01, 30 October 2008

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